‘Vimukthi’ is an anti-narcotics campaign launched by the Government of Kerala to highlight the seriousness of the situation and to create awareness among the people, especially the youth. It is a collective effort aims at eradicating all sorts of narcotic substances from Kerala. Kerala has declared a war on drugs. Addiction-free Kerala is the aim of this campaign. State wide campaigns to make students, youth and general public to aware of the evils of drug addiction and alcoholism is being conducted as part of the mission. The Kerala state government Higher education department has also announced a campus level anti-narcotic awareness campaign ‘Bodha Poornima’ on 1st November 2022. As part of this campaign, PG Botany students of BAM College Thuruthicadu, conducted a flash mob on 1st November 2022. Principal Dr. Neethu George delivered the introductory message. All the students of the PG Botany department were a part of the event. Students tried to convey the harm effects of drug abuse through dance, music and mime. 15 minute-long program was a novel experience for the students. After the flash mob, charts and placards quoting against drug abuse were displayed. The program was a team effort of PG Botany department led by Dr. Jasy Thomas (HOD), Dr. Anoop P. Balan, Dr. Reshma Ranjanan. Ms. Rohini R Nair and Mr. Amal K.S. The event got a wide appreciation from all the students and teachers of different departments of the college.