Seminar: Indian Capital Market
A session on "Indian Capital Market" on 25.2.2025 is being organized by the Post Graduate and Research Department of Commerce in the Seminar Hall. The resource person Mr Arun James…
A session on "Indian Capital Market" on 25.2.2025 is being organized by the Post Graduate and Research Department of Commerce in the Seminar Hall. The resource person Mr Arun James…
The Department of Physics at Bishop Abraham Memorial (BAM) College is pleased to announce a seminar on "Nuclear Energy: The Need, Perception, and Reality."This seminar aims to provide an in-depth understanding…
The 29th Bishop Abraham Memorial Lecture will be held on 5th December 2024 at 10:30am in the BAM College auditorium. The memorial lecture is to be delivered by Prof. Dr.…
BAM College Thuruthicad was awarded with the title of ‘Green Campus’ on adhering with the Green Protocol in the campus. The President of Kallooppara Grama Panchayat and Haritha Kerala Mission…
The inauguration of “ഇ ലേണിംഗ് ഗ്രാമങ്ങളിലേക്ക്”, an ambitious step to include the members of Harithakarmasena and Kudumbasree of Kallooppara Grama Panchayat in moving forward in this era of technological advancement…
Bishop Abraham Memorial College, Thuruthicad is organizing Basic and Advance level classes on e-learning for the members of Kudumbasree and Harithakarmasena of Kallooppara Grama Panchayat. The inauguration of this progressive…
സ്വച്ഛതാ ഹി സേവ ശുചീകരണ യജ്ഞംതുരുത്തിക്കാട് ബി.എ. എം. കോളേജിലെ എൻ.എസ്സ് എസ്സ്. യൂണിറ്റിൻ്റെ നേതൃത്വത്തിൽ ഗാന്ധി ജയന്തി ദിനാചരണത്തോടനുബന്ധിച്ച് 'ശുചിത്വ ഭാരതം' സാക്ഷാത്കരിക്കുക എന്ന ലക്ഷ്യത്തോടെ കേന്ദ്ര സർക്കാർ 'സ്വച്ഛതാ ഹി സേവ' പദ്ധതിയുടെ ഭാഗമായി മല്ലപ്പള്ളി ബസ്സ് സ്റ്റാൻ്റിൽ…
Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate Action The Montreal Protocol is rightly hailed as a multilateralism success story. It united the world to phase out ozone-depleting substances putting the ozone layer…
The Women Studies and Development Centre of the college is offering a tailoring course, included in the scheme of Jan Shikshan Sansthan under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.…