A Bike Rally to Mallappally town with the message of “Say No to Drugs” was organsed by the Post Graduate and Research Department of Commmerce in association with NSS Unit of the college on Thursday, 17th November 2022. The ralley started from the college campus at 11.00 am and went through Moosarikkkavala, Mankuzhippady via Mallappally town and returned to the college. Around 48 students with 24 bikes took part in the rally and carried various posters and placards spreading awareness against drug abuse. Shri. Cherian Mannancheril (Vice President of the Kalloppara Grama Panchayat) inaugurated and flaged off the rally. Dr. Neethu George (Principal), Dr. Ebby Joseph Idicula (HoD), Shri. Sreeresh D. and Ms. Sunitha Krishnan (NSS Programme Officers) and Shri. Biju Thomas (Teacher in Charge, Commerce Association) spoke on the occasion. Dr. Aneeshkumar G. S., Shri. Andrews Thomas, Ms. Sabitha Abraham and Jeslin Johnson George coordinated the programme.
At 11.45 am, a Flash Mob and signature collection against drug abuse was organized in the college campus. The teachers and students put their signature in the poster arranged in the open stage. The Mr. Jeslin Johnson George (Secretary, Commerce Association) delivered vote of thanks to those participated in the programmes.