Rules and Regulations

Students admitted to B A M College are bound by the code of conduct laid down by the college through the college calendar, the college website and it is necessary for the students to observe this code of conduct for proper administration and management of the institution.

  1. The Principal is the disciplinary authority in the college to enforce the rules and regulations of the college. These rules are binding and final on all the students admitted and should be properly read, understood, and obeyed by all students.
  2. It is the responsibility of the students to get informed of all the rules and notifications of the college from time to time. Ignorance of these rules are not an excuse for violation and will not be condoned.
  3. Students must observe strict discipline in the campus and should respect the staff, fellow students as well as the visitors.
  4. Students must wear their Identity Cards and it should be visible to enter the campus. It should be visibly worn the entire time while they are on the campus. It must be produced whenever demanded by the Principal, HOD’s, faculty members and campus security.
  5. Students should be punctual in attending classes and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  6. Students must occupy their seats soon as the announcements are made for the commencement of the different periods/sessions. Late coming will not be entertained and shall be considered as absence.
  7. Staff and Students are required to stand in reverential silence during the rendering of the daily Morning Prayer song.
  8. Students whose classes are free are not allowed to loiter on the Verandas or crowd on the premises. They may remain in the classrooms to do assignments or spend the time at the library as per directions of the class teacher or HOD.
  9. Students should not create blockade or any other sorts of nuisances that shall make handling of classes or other legitimate activities in the campus difficult.
  10. Students are directed to co-operate in keeping the college building and the campus clean and tidy. They should dispose waste materials in the wet and dry dust bins provided at different locations. Writing or making marks on the walls or furniture or standing with the foot on the wall in the buildings or exterior walls are strictly prohibited.
  11. Fine shall be imposed on and legal actions be initiated against those who damage, destroy or cause to destroy the properties of the college under the existing laws including the Prevention of Damages to Public Property Act 1984.
  12. Prior written permission of the Principal is necessary for:
    • organising or attending special meetings, entertainment programs or social functions in the College, in the hostel or anywhere in the campus.
    • using loudspeakers, megaphones etc., in the College or on its premises.
    • inviting persons who are not members of the teaching staff of the College for any function in the College or in the hostel.
    • collection of subscription of any kind from the students or staff.
    • putting up any notice board in the College or elsewhere on the campus.
    • placing any paper, book or periodical in the Reading Room of the College or circulating these in the College in any manner.
  13. Notices published on the College notice board signed or countersigned by the Principal shall be considered as mandatory instructions and shall be observed without fail.
  14. The use, bringing, sale, sharing or propagation of intoxicants in the campus or coming into the campus intoxicated shall fall under the ambit of grave crime and will invite criminal cases in addition to removal from roll and cancellation of candidature forever.
  15. Any student suspended from the College shall not come to the College premises during the period of suspension.
  16. No student or others at the college should resort to verbal or physical assault or use threatening language or action against other students, teaching or non-teaching staff, management staff of the college or visitors to the college. Strong disciplinary and strict legal actions will be taken against those who resort to such acts of violence.
  17. Students are forbidden from engaging in any activity which would interfere the smooth functioning of the College.
  18. Political activities and the functioning of students’ organizations are strictly banned in the campus.
  19. Unofficial meetings, strikes, demonstrations, agitations, and fund collection are strictly prohibited. Students those who violate the above rules are liable to be dismissed from the college summarily.
  20. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the college campus (Govt. Order RT No. 110/05, dated 24.06.2005).
  21. Megaphone, loudspeakers etc. shall not be used and posters, boards etc. should not be put up in the campus without the express permission of the principal.
  22. Ragging falls under the purview of violence and breach of human rights, and culprits in this regard shall face legal and disciplinary actions without fail. Each student and every parent must submit an online undertaking every academic year at
  23. Students should park their vehicles only in the allotted parking area. No student vehicles are allowed beyond that area.
  24. Women students are expected to be simple and modest in their dressing. T-Shirts, Miniskirts, tights without long tops, flimsy clothes, short tops, clothes with deep necklines etc. are not permitted in the campus.
  25. Students who do not adhere to the dress code will be seriously dealt with, including removal from the rolls.
  1. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period.
  2. For attendance, all working days, irrespective of the number of the actual working hours, shall be considered as full working days.
  3. Absence even for a period shall be treated as absence, for half day.
  4. Application for leave for one day or more should normally be given in advance, in writing to the HOD or the teacher-in-Charge of the class specifying the period for which leave is applied.
  5. Application for leave from students who are residents in the hostels should be countersigned by the hostel warden. Applications from others should be countersigned by their parents or guardians.
  6. Any student absent for 10 consecutive working days shall be removed from roll without any notice unless the student is able to substantiate the reason for his/her absence before the stipulated time frame.
  7. Every student must earn 75 percent of the attendance prescribed by the College for each year. Students taking science courses must earn a separate minimum attendance in practical classes also. Those who do not earn the required attendance will not be allowed to sit for the university examinations, under any circumstances.
  8. Students are responsible to see that they have earned the necessary attendance for the month, going through the displayed notice.
  9. Application for leave on medical grounds should be accompanied by a certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
  10. Application for leave should be submitted in the prescribed application form as given at the end of the calendar, on the college website or the form available at the office.
  11. Students whose attendance falls below the required minimum can apply for exemption through the Principal to the University following the rules below.
    • The application must be accompanied by a challan receipt for Rs. 200 (for up to 10 days) for exemption payable to the University.
    • An explanatory statement for each day of absence and a medical certificate signed by a registered medical practitioner must be submitted in case ill health exceeds five working days at a time.
    • Condonation of attendance is permitted by the University only twice during the whole tenure of the program.
    • The maximum limit of attendance shortage that can be condoned is 10 days in one semester and 20 days during the whole tenure of the program.

All students are hereby informed that the college has implemented the Mahatma Gandhi University Students Code of Conduct Rules and as per the directions of the Honorable Supreme Court in University of Kerala v. Councils, Principals, Colleges, Kerala & Ors (Appeal (Civil) No. 24295/2004) and as per the directions of the Honorable High Court of Kerala in Kerala Students Union v. Sojan Francis (2003(2) KLT 582) and S.N.M. College v. S.I. of Police (2007 (1) KLT 282. As such, all political activity inside the campus is prohibited. Concerned provisions of the ‘Mahatma Gandhi University Student’s Code of Conduct Rules’ are given below:

Title: These rules shall be known as Mahatma Gandhi University Students Code of Conduct Rules – 2005. It shall come into force with immediate effect.
Object: These rules are framed with a view to maintaining and enforcing good conduct inside the class rooms and campus in the affiliated Colleges.
Application: These rules shall be applicable to all the affiliated colleges under the University, University Departments of Teaching and Research and Self Financing Schools of the University.
(1) College: Means a college as defined in Section 2(2) and section 2(7) of the Mahatma Gandhi University Act 1985.
(2) Vice Chancellor: Means the Vice Chancellor of the Mahatma Gandhi University .
(3) Students Grievance Redressal Committee: Students Grievance Redressal Committee constituted as per Rule 8 of these Rules.
(4) Student: Means a part-time or full time student as defined in Section 2(26) of Mahatma Gandhi University Act.
(5) Principal: Means Head of the College as defined in Section 2(16) of the Mahatma Gandhi University Act 1985.
(6) Political activity: Political activity means any act, activity or conduct by any student in a college by which political ideologies of any political parties recognized by the Election Commission are preached, professed, imparted or disseminated by speeches, visible representation or other means of communication whatsoever. In case of definitions not mentioned above, the definitions in the University Act and Statutes shall prevail.

Prohibition on Political Activity inside the campus

(a) No student of a college shall get himself/herself involved in any political activity by himself or alibi; the said activity to be carried on by fellow students inside the campus in any manner whatsoever. Any such activity is hereby banned inside the campus.
(b) Taking part in any political activity by organizing students or to cause gatherings inside the college campus for the purpose of doing any activities as defined in Rule 4(6) shall constitute serious indiscipline. Every member of such a gathering shall be individually liable and responsible for gross indiscipline in this regard and the Principal shall have the power to take disciplinary action against students who indulge in the aforesaid activities.
(c) It shall constitute gross indiscipline to call for and appeal to strike based on policies and ideologies that may be preached by the political parties or their sister organizations or students wings. The participants in the strike as aforesaid shall be dealt with by the disciplinary authority and they shall be imposed appropriate punishment as provided in these rules.
(d) No student of the college shall stage or indulge in any activity like Dharna, Gherao, obstructing entry to and from any class room, office, hall or other places inside the campus. Such activities shall be treated as misconduct.
(e) No student shall shout slogans inside the classrooms, office or any other place inside the campus and obstruct and interfere or cause disturbance and nuisance to the ordinary functioning of the institution.

These activities shall be treated as misconduct and these may lead to strict disciplinary action including the following punishments.

  1. Imposition of fine
  2. Issuance of compulsory transfer certificate
  3. Dismissal from the College

In the event of imposition of punishment of dismissal or compulsory issuance of transfer certificate, the Principal shall forward the order along with the report to the University.

Prohibition of damage to property

Consequent to the implementation of the MG University students code of conduct Rules the students are hereby informed that they shall not disfigure the classrooms, compound wall, or other buildings, inside the college campus by pasting posters, or writing on the walls in connection with any activity. They shall not damage or destroy any furniture, equipment, and other materials inside the college campus. In the event of any student indulging in any such activities, a fine shall be imposed on him, to be fixed by the Principal of the College after evaluating the extent and magnitude of the damage so caused. The aforesaid imposition of fine is without prejudice to the liability of the delinquent student for prosecution under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code, under the provisions of Prevention of Damage to Public Properties Act. The damage so fixed by the Principal shall be recovered as arrears of land revenue and in the event of non-payment, the recovery proceedings shall be taken against the person responsible.