Anti-Narcotic day observation
NCC celebrated anti-narcotic day and conducted awareness campaign to public. A total of 48 students participated in the campaign.
NCC celebrated anti-narcotic day and conducted awareness campaign to public. A total of 48 students participated in the campaign.
Seminar on ‘Conservation and Management of Flood Plain Wetlands’ in association with Pamba Parirakshana Samithy.
Volunteers participated in the field activity of Community Health Centre, Kallooppara. We are visiting houses in the region and gave medicines to children and also created awareness among the people…
Field work in Thuruthicad and Kumbamala regions. 218 houses were visited in connection with Pulse Polio immunization.
Non-communicable disease screening camp with the help of Community Health Centre, Kallooppara. 63 villagers benefitted from the camp.
Volunteers conducted a campaign in the campus and prepared blood donors list. The list is kept in the office for reference and finding suitable donors when requests come from hospitals.
A team of 38 NCC cadets engaged in the cleaning of water resources of Kalloopara Gramapanchayat
Survey, Organic Farming awareness Campaign in Ward No.4 & Ward No.5. and demonstration of vegetable garden preparation. Distribution of vegetable seeds & organic Farming booklet to the public in the…
Funds collected for children of communal riots by selling stickers of communal harmony 24/11/2017 - Collage competition on the theme of ‘Communal Harmony’ was conducted as part of the celebrations
The inauguration of the arts festival was held on 24th January 2017. Cine artist Vaishak Nair and film director Sri. Richu Eapen George were the chief guests. Students were divided…