Add-on Courses
The College has various Add-On Certificate Courses which have been started with the aim of enhancing and enriching the learning experience of students. These courses cater to the various academic and vocational needs of the students and helps to develop the necessary skills for various vocations and careers.
Certificate Course in C Programming (CCPH01)
Total Hours: 30 (Theory 15 + Practical 15)
To gain the skills of Programming and to learn the programming concepts in C Language.
Basic mathematics, basic computer knowledge.
Module-I: (Contact Hours: 5 hrs.)
Basic concepts of programming. Language classification. Steps in developing a program.
C language basics: C character set, tokens, Identifiers and keywords, Data types, constants, variables, declarations, qualifiers-long, short and unsigned declarations, expressions, symbolic constants, Input and output operators/functions, compound statements, Operators.
Module -II: (Contact Hours: 5 hrs., Practical Hours: 5 hrs)
Decision making and Branching: If statement, if else statement, nested if…else statement, Else if ladder, switch statements, looping – for loop, while loop, do..while statements, nested loop structure, break, continue and go to statements, scope of variables.
Module -III: (Contact Hours: 10 hrs, Practical Hours: 10 hrs)
Arrays one dimensional and two-dimensional arrays, initializing, reading, writing, strings, string functions, Library functions- User defined functions- different types /category of functions. Recursive functions, Call by value and reference methods
Reference Books:
- Programming in ANSI C – E Balaguruswamy – Mc Graw Hill Education
- Mastering C – K R Venugopal & S R Prasad – Mc Graw Hill Education
- Programming in C – Ashutosh Pandey – Cyber Tech Publications
- Let Us C – Yashavant Kanetker – BPB Publications
Certificate Course in Nursery Techniques (CCBO01)
Total Hours: 30
Unit 1: Nursery (5 hrs)
Introduction, definition, types, Importance, Development. Establishment of Nursery, Selection of site- Location, Soil and climate for Nursery, Topography, Wind, Elevation of Nursery place, Irrigation and Drainage facilities, Transportation and Marketing facilities, Labour facilities, insects and diseases, Soil and preparation of Nursery.
Unit 2: Lay out of Nursery (2 hrs)
Bed Department, Water management, Residential, Mother plants, Roads and Paths Department. Types of Nursery-Multipurpose or mixed Nurseries, General Nursery, Specialized Nursery, Attached or auxiliary or subsidiary nursery.
Unit 3: Location of Nursery (5 hrs)
Scientific layout of Nursery, Collection of mother plant and their management, Source of available root stocks and their proper utilization, Testing and processing of seeds viability or seeds survival, Use of standard methods of plant propagation, Proper management of seed or storage, Proper testing facilities, Arrangement of Training and Demonstration, Arrangement of nursery exhibitions.
Unit 4: Nursery Management (5 hrs)
Seasonal activities and routine operations in a nursery, Nursery management-watering, weeding and nutrients; pests and diseases. Plant propagation, Sexual propagation (seed), Asexual propagation – Introduction, Division- suckers, runners, crown, rhizome, corm, tubers, bulb, bulbil, stolen, offset. Rootage- cutting, layering. Graftage- approach grafting, whip, tongue, cleft, saddle, side, veneer, bark, buttressing, epicotyle, bridge. Economics of nursery development, pricing, and record maintenance. Online nursery information and sales system.
Unit 5: Plant growth regulators (3 hrs)
Introduction, Types- Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abscisic acid, Ethylene. Methods. Green house – Definition, Origin, Preparation, Structure, Types, Advantage. Polly House –Introduction, Structure, Size, Method, Advantage.
Project/Training (10 hrs)
Certificate Course in Polyhouse Farming (CCBO02)
Total Hours: 30 (Theory 15 + Practical 15)
Introduction (3 Hours)
Different types of polyhouse – Benefits of polyhouse farming-advantages and disadvantages
Principles behind protected cultivation (12 Hours)
Selection of crops – Management of vegetable crops under polyhouse – Selection of crops – Nutrient application – Management of insect-pest and diseases – Harvesting operations – Post-harvest handling and storage of vegetables
Hands on training (15 Hours)
KV Peter 2018 Basics of Horticulture, 3rd revised and enlarged edition.
Certificate Course in MS Office Basics (CCPH02)
Total Hours: 36
Course Overview
The course will cover basic to advanced topics of Microsoft 365 Apps – Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint Internet and Emailing and will be conducted as hands on sessions.
Module 1 : Text Basics
- Typing the text, Alignment of text
- Editing text :Cut ,Copy ,Paste ,Clear ,Select all
- Find and Replace
Module 2 :Text formatting and saving file
- New, Open, Close, Save ,Save as
- Formatting text: Font size, Font Style
- Font Color, Use the Bold, Italic and Underline
- Change the text case
- Line spacing Paragraph spacing
- Shading text and paragraph
- Working with Tabs and Indents
Module 3: Working with objects
- Shapes, Clip arts and picture ,Word art, Smart art
- Columns and orderings – To add columns to a document
- Change the order of Objects
- Page Number, Date and Time
- Inserting Text Boxes
- Inserting word art
- Inserting Symbols
- Inserting charts
Module 4 :Header and Footers
- Inserting custom Header and Footer
- Inserting objects in the Header and Footer
- Add Section break to a document
Module 5 : Working with bullets and numbering list
- Multilevel numbering and Bulleting
- Creating List
- Customizing list Style
- Page Bordering
- Page Background
Module 6 : Tables
- Working with Tables ,Table formatting
- Table Styles
- Alignment Option
- Merge and Split Option
Module 7: Styles and Content
- Using build in styles, Modifying styles
- Creating styles, Creating a list style
- Table of Content and reference
- Adding internal references
- Adding a Footnote
- Adding Endnote
Module 8 :Merging Documents
- Typing new address list
- Importing address list from excel file
- Write and insert field
- Merging with outlook contact
- Preview Result
- Merging to Envelopes
- Merging to label
- Setting rules for merges
- Finish and merge Options
Module 9 : Sharing and maintaining document
- Changing word options
- Changing the proofing tools
- Managing Templates
- Restricting document access
- Using Protected View
- Working with Templates
- Understanding building blocks
Module 10 : Proofing the document
- Check Spelling as you type
- Mark spelling as you type
- Setting auto correct options
Module 11 : Printing
- Page setup, Setting margins
- Print Preview , Print
Module 12 : Introduction to Excel
- Introduction to Excel interface
- Understanding rows columns, Naming cells
- Working with excel workbook and sheets
Module 13: Formatting Excel work book
- New, Open ,Close, Save, Save as
- Formatting text: Font size Font Style
- Font Color, use the Bold, Italic, and underline
- Wrap text ,Merge and Centre
- Currency , Accounting and other formats
- Modifying columns rows and cells
Module 14 : Perform calculations with Functions
- Creating simple formulas
- Setting up your own formula
- Date and time functions, Financial Functions
- Logical Functions Look up and Reference
- Functions Mathematical functions
- Statistical functions, Text Functions
Module 15: Sort and filter data with Excel
- Sort and filtering data
- Using number filter, Text filter
- Custom Filtering
- Removing Filters from columns
- Conditional formatting
Module 16 :Create Effective Charts to Present Data Visually
- Inserting column, Pie Chart etc
- Create an effective chart with chart tool
- Design, Format and Layout options
- Adding Chart TitleChanging Layouts
- Chart Styles
- Editing chart data range
- Editing data series
- Changing chart
Module 17: Analyze data using Pivot Table and Pivot Charts
- Understand pivot tables ,create a Pivot Table
- Framework using the pivot table and pivot chart
- Create pivot chart from pivot table
- Inserting Slicer
- Creating calculated fields
Module 18 :Protecting and sharing of work book
- Protecting a work book with a password
- Allow user to edit ranges
- Track Changes
- Working with comments
- Insert Excel objects and charts in word document and PowerPoint presentation
Module 19: Macros to automate tasks
- Creating and recording macros
- Assigning macros to the work sheet
- Saving macros enabled workbook
Module 20: Proofing and Printing
- Page setup, Setting print area ,Print titles
- Inserting custom header and footer
- Inserting objects in the header and footer
- Page setup, Setting margins, Print preview ,Print
- Enable background error checking
- Setting auto correct options
Module 21 : Setting up PowerPoint Environment
- New, Open ,Close, Save, Save as
- Typing the text, Alignment of text
- Formatting text : Font size ,Font Style
- Font color, Use the bold ,Italic and underline
- Cut, Copy ,Paste, Select all, Clear text
- Find &Replace
- Working with Tabs and Indents
Module 22: Creating Slides and applying themes
- Inserting new slide
- Changing layout of slides
- Duplicating slides
- Copying and pasting slides
- Applying themes to the slide layout
- Changing theme color
- Slide background
- Formatting slide background
- Using slide views
Module 23 : Working with bullets and numbering
- Multi level numbering and bulleting
- Creating List
- Page bordering
- Page background
- Aligning text
- Text directions
- Columns Options
Module 24: Working with objects
- Shapes , Clip art and picture, Word art, Smart art
- Change the order of Objects
- Inserting slide header and footer
- Inserting Text boxes
- Inserting shapes using quick styles
- Inserting word art
- Inserting symbols
- Inserting Chart
Module 25 : Hyperlinks and Action buttons
- Inserting Hyperlinks and Action buttons
- Edit Hyperlinks and Action Button
- Word art and shapes
Module 26 : Working with movies and sounds
- Inserting movies from a computer file
- Inserting audio file
- Audio video playback and format options
- Video options, Adjust options
- Reshaping and bordering video
Module 27 : Using Smart arts and Tables
- Working with tables, table formatting
- Table styles
- Alignment option
- Merge and split option
- Converting text to smart art
Module 28 :Animation and slide Transition
- Default animation, Custom animation
- Modify a default or custom animation
- Reorder animation using Transitions
- Apply a slide transition, Modifying
- Transition, Advancing to the next slide
Module 29 : Slide Master
- Using slide master
- Inserting layout option
- Creating custom layout
- Inserting place holders
- Formatting place holders
Module 30: Slide show Option
- Start slide show
- Start show from the current slide
- Rehearse timing
- Creating custom slide show
Module 31 : Proofing and Printing
- Check spelling as you type
- Setting auto correct options
- Save as video, Save as JPEG files
- Save as Power point show file
- Print Preview, Print
Internet and Email
Module 32 : Internet ,Email and Outlook
- Introduction to internet, basics of browsing, Internet explorer, Google chrome, Firefox
- Introduction to Email, how to create e mail Id, send or receive emails.(Gmail/yahoo)
- Privacy settings, creation and insertion of signature, spam and junk mails, starred messages
- General e mail settings based on Gmail
- General lecture class on Microsoft 365 and MS Outlook, Basic Email etiquettes
Certificate Course in Laboratory Techniques (CCCH01)
Total Hours: 45 (Theory 30 + Practical 15)
The programme is intended to all regular Under Graduate & Post Graduate students aspiring for employment as laboratory technicians or as research assistants in school, college or research laboratories.
The programme aims to develop:
- To inculcate in students an urge for research.
- To impart basic knowledge in Chemistry necessary for laboratory involvements.
- To get familiarize with various analyzing techniques.
- Perform experiments & interpret the results of observation.
- To familiarize the students with the basic facilities available in school/college/research institutes laboratories.
- To impart knowledge of the basics of organization & management of Chemical laboratories.
- To train the students in the operation & maintenance of instruments used in Chemical laboratories.
- To develop skills in common laboratory techniques.
- To make the students aware of appropriate disposal methods & safety measures suitable for Chemical Laboratories.
MODULE 1 (15hrs)
Laboratory Safety: Introduction & importance of laboratory safety, General precautions observed in the laboratory, Fire prevention and control in chemical laboratories, Operation of fire extinguisher.
Introduction to occupational health hazard, First aid in chemical laboratory, Introduction to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and personal protection equipment (PPEs) used in chemical laboratory, Use of personal protective equipment.
Chemical toxicology – effects & impacts of toxic chemicals in the environment, Introduction of pollution control – sources, causes, consequences & control measures.
MODULE 2 (15hrs)
Use of different glass wares like pipette, burette, standard measuring flask, distillation apparatus, heating methods, filtration techniques, weighing principle in chemical & electronic balance.
Introduction to chemistry – Elements, atoms, molecules and compound, Chemical & Physical changes, Methods of purification: filtration, distillation, crystallization & solvent extraction.
Titrimetric Analysis – fundamental concepts – Atomic Weight, Molecular Weight, Equivalent Weight, Normality, Molarity, Molality , mole fraction, ppm, ppb, primary & secondary standards, quantitative dilutions, preparation of standard solutions.
Volumetric Analysis (Acidimetry titrations and Alkalimetry titration): Analysis of acids & bases, pH indicators
Redox Titrations: Permanganometric & Dichrometry, redox indicators
Complexometric Titrations: Standardizations of solutions, Preparation of Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) solution & indicators.
Instrumental analysis: Potentiometric titration & Conductometric titration – Principles of potentiometric and conductometric titrations.
Study of determination the pH of given solution by using pH meter.
Study of determination of viscosity of given sample using viscometer
UV – Vis Spectroscopy: Study of determination of percentage composition of different sample components
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR Spectrophotometer): i) Calibration by polystyrene film ii) Study of background spectra iii) study of different solid samples & analysis of spectrum obtained.
MODULE 3 (15hrs)
- Acidimetry & Alkalimetry
- Permanganometry
- Complexometric Titrations
- Organic preparations – Preparation of organic compounds such as Acetanilide, Aspirin, Methyl Orange, Benzoic acid, Iodoform, dibenzal acetone
- Laboratory techniques – crystallization, distillation, solvent extraction
- Chromatography – Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) – Separation of different sample mixture on thin layer chromatography
- Viscosity
- Refractive index of oils & fats
- Potentiometric titration
- Conductometric titration
Analysis of Samples:
- Analysis of water sample for parameters such as pH, alkalinity, turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), electrical conductivity, temporary & permanent hardness of water. etc.
- Determination of COD, BOD, DO for different water sample /effluent.
- Determination of percentage composition of different sample components using UV – Vis Spectroscopy.
- Analysis of different samples using FTIR Spectrophotometer.
Certificate Course in Floriculture and Gardening (CCBO03)
Total Hours: 30
Unit 1 Floriculture (5 Hours)Cut Flowers and flower trade. Cultivation, harvesting, storage, packaging and marketing of flowers –rose, orchid, anthurium, jasmine and heliconia. Flower pigments, perfume industry, aromatherapy. Availing of loans funds and financial assistance from Govt. for large scale cultivations and making of ornamentals.
Unit 2 Flower arrangement (2 Hours)
Flower arrangement, flower making and dry flower decorations
Unit 3 Vegetative Propagation (5 Hours)
Vegetative propagation- Cutting, Layering, Budding and Grafting application and advantages, Theoretical aspects of Grafting and budding, seed propagation- seed bed preparation, seed harvesting and seed treatment transplanting and hardening of seedlings.
Unit 4 Gardening (3 Hours)
Ornamental garden, indoor garden, Outdoor Garden, landscape garden, Japanese garden, roof top garden, kitchen garden, rock garden, water garden and growing medicinal and aromatic plants.
Unit 5 Garden Components (5 Hours)
Annuals, biennials, herbs, shrubs, trees, climbers, drives, arches, pergolas, flower beds, hedges, edges, borders and garden adornments. Lawn, Bonsai, Water Garden / Sunken Garden, Rock Garden, Conservatory etc. Garden friends Honey bees, ladybirds, frogs, spiders, earthworms, centipedes and millipedes. Garden foes- pests, pathogenic fungi, bacteria, virus.
Project/Training (10 Hours)
Certificate Course in Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution (CCHY01)
Total Hours: 30
About The Course
Build a firm foundation for an understanding of the Indian polity with this course on fundamental rights in the Indian constitution.
India chose to include in its constitution, a list of fundamental rights, including rights in relation to equality, liberty, and the protection of minorities, which cannot ordinarily be curtailed by governments. This course will provide a detailed understanding of what these rights mean, the purpose behind their presence in the constitution, and the role of the Judiciary, and media in enforcing them.
- Learn the origin and nature of fundamental rights and why some rights are protected constitutionally
- Learn about “equality before law” and “equal protection of law”
- Learn about the right to life and understand how constitutional courts have interpreted it
- Learn about the rights of minorities
- Learn about the rights against exploitation
- Understand constitutional remedies
- Learn about the enforcement of fundamental rights
Module I Understanding of Fundamental Rights (10 Hours)
The concept of rights. The idea of fundamental rights-Origin, Meaning, Definition, nature and importance. Difference between human rights and fundamental rights. Democracy and fundamental rights
Module II Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution (10 Hours)
Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, Right to Constitutional Remedies- Writs, Amendability of Fundamental Rights
Module III Enforcement of Fundamental Rights (10 Hours)
Indian Judiciary and fundamental rights, Judicial review, Judicial Activism, Public Interest Litigation (PIL), Enforcement of fundamental rights- Role of the Media and Public opinion
Certificate Course in Survey Techniques and Data Analysis using Spread Sheet (CCEC01)
Total Hours: 30 (Theory 14 + Practical 26)
- Meaning and importance of Research (1 Hrs)
Types of Research – Selection and formulation of Research Problem.
- Type and Source of Data (3 Hrs)
Objective Description vs. Storytelling, Primary vs. Secondary Data, Methods of Primary Data: Observation, Interview and Questionnaire/ Schedule; Structured vs. Unstructured and Participatory vs. Non-Participatory, The Pilot Survey, Reliability and Validity.
- Sampling and Survey Data (4 Hrs)
Population and sample, Census Enquiry and Sampling, Purposive and non-Purposive Sampling, Sample Size, Sampling Procedure: SRS (WR and WOR), Stratified, Systematic, Repeated Systematic, Cluster and Multi Stage cluster, Quota Sampling and Sequential Sampling, Sample Weights and Choice of Sampling Design.
- Methods of Collecting Data, Data Processing and Analysis strategies (6 Hrs)
Observation, field investigations, Direct studies – Reports, Records or Experimental observations. Data Compilation: Editing, Coding, Classification and Tabulation- Graphical representation – Descriptive Analysis – Inferential Analysis.
- Manage Workbook Options and Settings (3 Hrs)
5.1. Create Worksheets and Workbooks: Create a workbook – Import data from a delimited text file – Add a worksheet to an existing workbook – Copy and move a worksheet
5.2. Navigate in Worksheets and Workbooks: Search for data within a workbook – Navigate to a named cell, range, or workbook element – Insert and remove hyperlinks
5.3. Format Worksheets and Workbooks: Change worksheet tab color – Rename a worksheet – Change worksheet order – Insert and delete columns or rows – Change workbook themes – Adjust row height and column width – Insert headers and footers
5.4. Customize Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks – Hide or unhide worksheets – Hide or unhide columns and rows – Customize the Quick Access toolbar – Modify document properties – Display formulas
5.5. Configure Worksheets and Workbooks for Distribution – Inspect a workbook for hidden properties or personal information – Inspect a workbook for accessibility issues – Inspect a workbook for compatibility issues
- Apply Custom Data Formats and Layout (3 Hrs)
6.1. Apply Custom Data Formats and Validation: Create custom number formats – Populate cells by using advanced Fill Series options – Configure data validation
6.2. Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting and Filtering: Create custom conditional formatting rules – Create conditional formatting rules that use formulas – Manage conditional formatting rules
6.3. Create and Modify Custom Workbook Elements: Create and modify simple macros – Insert and configure form controls
- Create Tables (3 Hrs)
7.1. Create and Manage Tables: Create an Excel table from a cell range – Convert a table to a cell range – Add or remove table rows and columns
7.2. Manage Table Styles and Options: Apply styles to tables – Configure table style options – Insert total rows
7.3. Filter and Sort a Table: Filter records – Sort data by multiple columns – Change sort order – Remove duplicate records
- Perform Operations with Formulas and Functions (7 Hrs)
8.1. Summarize Data by using Functions: Insert references – Perform calculations by using the SUM function – Perform calculations by using MIN and MAX functions – Perform calculations by using the COUNT function – Perform calculations by using the AVERAGE function
8.2. Perform Conditional Operations by using Functions: – Perform logical operations by using the IF function – Perform logical operations by using the SUMIF function – Perform logical operations by using the AVERAGEIF function – Perform statistical operations by using the COUNTIF function
8.3. Format and Modify Text by using Functions: Format text by using RIGHT, LEFT, and MID functions – Format text by using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions – Format text by using the CONCATENATE function
- Create Charts and Objects (6 Hrs)
9.1. Create Charts: Create a new chart – Add additional data series – Switch between rows and columns in source data – Analyze data by using Quick Analysis
9.2. Format Charts: Resize charts – Add and modify chart elements – Apply chart layouts and styles – Move charts to a chart sheet
9.3. Insert and Format Objects: – Insert text boxes and shapes – Insert images – Modify object properties – Add alternative text to objects for accessibility
- Manage Workbook Options and Settings (4 Hrs)
10.1. Manage Workbooks: Save a workbook as a template – Enable macros in a workbook – Display hidden ribbon tabs
10.2. Manage Workbook Review Restrict editing: Protect a worksheet – Configure formula calculation options – Protect workbook structure – Manage workbook versions – Encrypt a workbook with a password
Certificate Course in Goods and Service Tax (CCCA01)
Total Hours: 30
Course objective
To give the students a general understanding of the GST law in the country with a practical perspective and employability to the students in the commercial tax practices.
Module 1 (10 hours)
Methodology of GST – CGST – SGST – IGST – Important concepts and Definitions. GSTN
Module 2 (10 hours)
Levy and Collection of Tax – – Input Tax Credit – Recovery of Credit – Tax Invoice
Module 3 (10 Hours)
Registration – Returns and Payment of Tax – Persons Liable for Registration – Returns – Furnishing Details of Supplies – Payment of Tax, Interest, Penalty. Appeals – Appellate Authorities – Powers – Procedure – Appeal to High Court -Supreme Court – Offences and Penalties
Training Course in Employability Skills (TCEN01)
Total Hours: 30
English Literacy (15 Hours)
- Pronounciation: Accentuation (Mode of Pronounciation) on simple words, Diction (use of word and speech)
- Functional Grammar: Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense, Spellings.
- Reading: Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and environment
- Writing: Construction of simple sentences. Writing simple English
- Speaking / Spoken English: Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates, picture reading, gain confidence through role-playing and discussions on current happening, job description, asking about someone’s job habitual actions. Taking messages, passing messages on and filling in message forms. Greeting and introductions, office hospitality. Resumes or curriculum vitae essential parts, letters of application reference to previous communication
Communication Skills (15 hours)
- Introduction to Communication Skills: Communication and its importance- Types of communication – verbal, non-verbal, written, email, talking on phone. Non – verbal communication -characteristics, components- Body language – Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers. Handling nervousness/ discomfort. Case study/Exercise
- Listening Skills: Listening-hearing and listening- Effective listening- Barriers to effective listening – Guidelines for effective listening.
- Motivational Training: Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success – The Power of Positive Attitude – Self-awareness- Personal Goal setting and Employability Planning. Case study/Exercise
- Facing Interviews: Manners, Etiquettes, Dress code for an interview Do’s & Don’ts for an interview
- Behavioural Skills: Organizational Behaviour Problem Solving – Confidence Building Attitude- Decision making Case study/Exercise