The B A M N S S Unit in association with the Excise Department, Mallappally organised an Anti-drug awareness seminar on 28th June 2022 at 11 am in the college seminar hall. The meeting was presided over by the Principal, Dr. Neethu George who raised her concern about the young generation whom the drug mafia has targeted. Mr. Naushad I. (Excise Circle Inspector, Mallappally) inaugurated the meeting. In his inaugural address the C I shared several anecdotes of youngsters caught and send to jail for illicit drug trafficking and how the youth are trapped into this vicious circle from which they can scarcely escape. The resource person, who led the seminar, Mr. K. M. Shihabudeen (Assistant Excise Inspector, Mallappally) adopted an interactive mode of delivery, thus making the seminar interesting and informative. The students pledged to say no to drugs and to share drug facts to save lives. Mr. Sreeresh D. (NSS Programme Officer) welcomed the gathering and Ms. Sethu E. S (NSS Volunteer) delivered the vote of thanks.
On the occasion, the prize distribution of ‘Akshara Thaarakam’ competition held on Reading Day was also conducted. The prizes were sponsored by YMCA, Kaviyoor. The winners of Akshara Thaarakam (English) were Amose Skaria Koshy of M. A. Economics & A. R. Harisanker of M.Sc. Chemistry. Alga Mole (M. A. Economics) & Sanjai O. S (M.Sc. Chemistry) were the winners of Akshara Thaarakam (Malayalam).
A.R Harisankar (M.Sc. Chemistry) receiving cash prize from Mr. K. M. Shihabudeen (Assistant Excise Inspector, Mallappally). Amose Skaria Koshy (M. A. Economics) receiving cash prize from Mr. Naushad I. (Excise Circle Inspector, Mallappally). Alga Mole of M. A. Economics receiving cash prize from Mr. Naushad I. (Excise Circle Inspector, Mallappally). Sanjai O. S of M.Sc. Chemistry receiving cash prize from Mr. Naushad I. (Excise Circle Inspector, Mallappally)