To spread awareness about India’s age-old practice of yoga, the United Nations declared June 21st as International Day of Yoga. This year’s Yoga day was observed in the college under the auspices of B A M N S S Unit. Dr. Neethu George (Principal, B A M College) presided over the function held in the Seminar Hall at 2 pm on 21 June 2022. Dr. Neethu, in her speech, highlighting this year’s yoga day theme, said: “the theme ‘Yoga for Humanity’ reminds us to work in unison towards better health and wellness for all”. Mr. Bency Alex, Chairman, Welfare Standing Committee, Kallooppara Grama Panchayat inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp. Ms. Adhibha Krishnan, Yoga Trainer and India Book of Records Holder demonstrated some basic yoga asanas and taught the students Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun), a practice in yoga which incorporates twelve gracefully linked asanas. The trainer explained each of the twelve asanas and the students performed them in two batches as per instructions.
The session helped students understand the benefits of yoga for physical as well as mental well-being and motivated them to practise these asanas.